International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2469-6501 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijbass
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Call for Papers: VOL: 10, ISSUE: 7, Publication July 31, 2024


VOLUME: 2; ISSUE: 7; JULY: 2016

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Author(s): Samson Oluwaseun Fadiya/Emeka Joshua Chukwuemeka/Odeh Acheme Okolobia
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In this paper, the client is given an e-commerce website that is utilized as a part of a cloud domain to discover the store and its locations online. To actualize this as a web application, we utilized ASP.NET as the Technology. ASP.NET has a few preferences, for example, improved execution, scalability, built-in security and simplicity.To build any web application utilizing ASP.NET we require a programming language, for example, C#, VB.NET, J# and so on. VB.NET was the language used to build this application.
For the customer browser to associate with the ASP.NET engine, we utilized Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS) as the Web Server. ASP.NET utilizes ADO.NET to interact with the database as it gives in-memory caching that takes out the need to contact the database server as often as possible and it can without much of a stretch send and keep up an ASP.NET application. MSSQL was utilized as back-end database since it gives quick data access, easy installation, and simplicity.
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