International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2469-6501 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijbass
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Call for Papers: VOL: 11, ISSUE: 1, Publication January 31, 2025



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Author(s): Kornelia Johana Dacosta; Ida Royani Damayanti
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This study aimed to analyze social media-based communication strategy in campaigning breastfeeding investment programs in the new normal era. The focus of this research was to analyze the communication strategy that was used in campaigning for breastfeeding investment programs in the new normal era. The study was conducted on a group of mothers who were breastfeeding in West Jakarta. The research method used was a Mixed-Method approach. The first stage was analyzing the situation, organization, and public involvement who were the targets in what programs to convey in breastfeeding investment campaign program. Then, the next stage was collecting and analyzing quantitative data, in this case, to answer the second problem formulation, whether the communication strategy campaigned by public service advertisements with social media-based contributes significantly to increase awareness of breastfeeding as a form of mothers’ investment in their children. The implementation of the communication strategy program used public service advertisements with social media-based.
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