International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2469-6501 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijbass
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Call for Papers: VOL: 10, ISSUE: 7, Publication July 31, 2024


VOLUME; 7, ISSUE; 5, MAY 2021

Table of Contents


Author(s): Prof.Asoc.Dr. Besim Muhadri
Full Text
1296    1203

Ismail Kadare (1936) is one of the most famous writers of contemporary Albanian literature. He is the author of dozens of books of poetry and prose, which have been translated into 45 languages of the world, making him one of the most translated Albanian writers, but also the most famous in the world. He is a laureate of many international awards and several times nominated for the Nobel Prize for literature.
In my paper, I will address the aspects of his contribution in addressing the topic of Kosovo, both in the field of poetry and in that of prose and journalism. With this topic, in addition to some poems, he has published the novels "Krushqit janë të ngrirë", "Tri Këngë zie për Kosovën", as well as the publicist books "Ra ky mort e u pamë", "Bisedë mes grilash" and "Çlirimi I Serbisë Nga Kosova". Kadare's treatment of the Kosovo issue on an artistic level has made the violation of the national rights of the autochthonous Albanians of Kosovo by the Serbian occupying regime, in particular, and the issue of Kosovo, in general, sensitized in the international arena.
The methods used in this paper are that of analysis and synthesis.
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