International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2469-6501 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijbass
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Call for Papers: VOL: 10, ISSUE: 7, Publication July 31, 2024


VOLUME; 6, ISSUE; 6, June 2020

Table of Contents


Author(s): Ronald W. Pimentel, Ph.D. ; Michael B. Lowry, Ph.D.; David Pimentel, J.D.; Amanda K. Glazer; Timothy W. Koglin; Grace A. Moe; Marianna M. Knysh
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Bike share, e-bike share, and e-scooter systems (shared micro-mobility) are gaining popularity throughout the United States and internationally, but the optimal system design has not been determined. This study investigated motivators and deterrents to the use of such systems in the Pacific Northwest with secondary data, participant observations, depth interviews, and an on-line survey to users and non-users. The survey was administered in all cities in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho that have shared micro-mobility systems. The strongest motivators reported were exercise and enjoyment. The strongest deterrents were weather, danger from automobile traffic, and insufficient bike lanes and paths. The latter two deterrents might be alleviated through continued improvements to infrastructure; however, the weather cannot be changed, and neither can hills. Data were fitted to the Theory of Reasoned Action and the resulting recommendation is to promote popular motivators of exercise and enjoyment and emphasize personal benefits more than social appearances.
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