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VOLUME: 5; ISSUE: 7; JULY: 2019
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Author(s): Dwi Wahyu Wibowo; Abdul Rivai; Bongsu Saragih
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1292 1386
1292 1386
This study aims to determine the effect of leadership and job pressure on organizational performance simultaneously, the influence of leadership on organizational performance partially, the influence of work pressure on organizational performance partially, the influence of organizational commitment on organizational performance partially, the influence of leadership on organizational performance through organizational commitment and the effect of work pressure on organizational performance through organizational commitment. The research was conducted at PT. Nusatama Berkah. Sampling uses accidental samples involving 66 employees. Data analysis using path analysis.Based on the data analysis, it is known that leadership variables and job pressure affect the performance of the organization simultaneously. Leadership variables influence partially on organizational performance. Job stress variables partially influence organizational performance. Organizational commitment variables affect organizational performance partially. The direct influence of leadership on organizational performance is smaller compared to indirect effects through organizational commitment. The direct effect of work pressure on organizational performance is smaller than through organizational commitment. In this case, the organizational commitment variable is an intervening variable.