International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2469-6501 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijbass
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Call for Papers: VOL: 10, ISSUE: 7, Publication July 31, 2024


VOLUME; 5, ISSUE; 5, May 2019

Table of Contents


Author(s): Khamis Juma Abdalla
Full Text
1256    1067

The emergence of new media with multiple platforms has abundantly adjusted the socio-political perspectives in such a way that our everyday conducts and professionalism point of views are entrenched over technological diffusion. The young people remain the potential users on the social media, considering their primary bases for daily accomplishments, owing to the novel features and realistic methods available. As an entry point, this paper intends to draw the conception of the public sphere, whereby the notion of publics is vital on abstracting the sphere of the internet, in which abundant spheres meant for the multiple clusters embark on political communication for their ways distinctly. It’s the ideal realm which converges the peripheral spheres into the inclusive domain through communicative actions. In the developing countries, the youths along with minorities’ engagement and reliance on the internet has been ominously mounting, comprehensive for political identities and rationalizing their civic opinions. Polling discussion on running candidates and political parties’ manifestations are common during the general election and some diaspora communities and further foreign activists play a part in political affairs of the countries. Thus, this article aims at tracing the potential civil integrity for youths with political information efficacy fostered on digital public spheres, by which traditional media are politically run-downed, remoted by draconian legal framework and commercial determinants. Besides, this paper argues about the offline publics which are ideally distant, thus far implies to the narrow unitary sphere theorization owing to the technology division which so far entails partial civic life.
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