International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2469-6501 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijbass
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Call for Papers: VOL: 10, ISSUE: 7, Publication July 31, 2024


VOLUME; 10, ISSUE; 3, March 2024

Table of Contents


Author(s): Prof. assoc. dr. Shurki MAXHUNI, Prof. assoc. dr. Ekrem GJOKAJ
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664    534

The wrong mentality of the majority of the population in Kosova, who consume white bread and not whole-meal bread, dates back 50 years! This action is the result of not knowing the population's right to nutrition, and how to feed towards a proper and necessary diet for the body. se: While the bakers say that the population is looking for this bread production and we respond to the demand of the consumers, the citizens do not know exactly why they consume white bread and not the integral one! The surveys were done in 7 centers and cities of the Republic of Kosova. with 10 bakeries each (70 bakeries in total) in Prishtina, Mitrovica, Pejë, Gjakova, Prizren, Ferizaj, and Gjilan for the production of types of bread, and were surveyed by 200 citizens in each city (a total 1400 citizens). Of them, 50% are women and 50% are men.
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