International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2469-6501 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijbass
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Call for Papers: VOL: 10, ISSUE: 7, Publication July 31, 2024


VOLUME: 2; ISSUE: 3; MARCH; 2016

Table of Contents


Author(s): Mbah, Stella .I.(Ph.D);Mgbemena, Gabriel C.; Ejike, Daniel C.
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This study examined poverty situation in Awka metropolis of Anambra State, Nigeria, using the P-alpha class of poverty measure. To achieve this objective, a structured questionnaire was administered to 399 heads of households selected from mixed socio economic backgrounds. The study revealed that 49 percent of the respondents were considered to be poor, with 0.17 poverty gap index and a 0.03 severity of poverty index. However the indicators were considered to be modest when compared with the national rates. The causes of poverty in Awka metropolis include: lack or inadequate supply of some identified basic necessities of life such as shelter, potable water and sanitation, basic healthcare services, electricity and educational services. As a result of these inadequacies, there are psychological distress, increase in destitution, child labour, violent crime and prostitution. It was therefore recommended among others that government should step up public investment in urban infrastructure, provision of credit facilities, involvement of the people in development decision that affects their lives or participatory budgetary process and most especially, good governance at the municipal level with accountability and transparency to stamp out corrupt tendencies which has inhibited past developmental efforts of the government.
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