International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2469-6501 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijbass
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Call for Papers: VOL: 10, ISSUE: 7, Publication July 31, 2024



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Author(s): Sari Ningsih, Azis hakim, Nurhasanudin
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A development planning meeting (Musrenbang) is a forum that is carried out to plan a development that is carried out from the lowest to the highest level. E-Murenbang is a system used for Musrenbang activities. The E-Murenbang system is an innovation used by the Bekasi City Government in implementing a plan. Where the results that have been input in the E-Musrenbang application will be integrated with the E-Planning and E-Monev (Monitoring and Evaluation) applications. This research was conducted at the Mustikajaya District Office in Bekasi City. The purpose of this research is to find out the processes and constraints in the application of the E-Musrenbang application at the Mustikajaya District Office. The data analysis uses qualitative analysis by conducting direct interviews with informants as the executor of activities with interviews, field notes, and documentation.

The results showed that the implementation of the Musrenbang and application of the E-Murenbang application in the Mustikajaya District office in Bekasi City had been running well and the application of the E-Musrenbang application had a good impact making it more efficient and effective. Even with the application of this application, the proposals that are submitted can be directly inputted into the system so that there are no more proposals that enter beyond the established mechanism.
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