International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2469-6501 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijbass
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Call for Papers: VOL: 11, ISSUE: 2, Publication February 28, 2025



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Author(s): Dr. Romaldo Isaac Lewis (DBA)
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In Belize and around the globe; Micro, Small, Medium and Large enterprises(MSMLE’s) face numerous constraints from a technical perspective that limits their creation, promotion and Growth. The objectives of the study was to identify the majors constraints that limits the creation, promotion and growth of the enterprise in Belize,2) Determination of the nature as well as the constraint level that limits the creation, promotion & growth of the enterprises in Belize. The enterprises status was based on class interval classification of the estimated Free Cash Flow (FCF). The results revealed that the constraints that were identified during the enterprise creation were; Lack of knowledge of the market condition and access to Finance as well as the cost of financing which calculated a value of 12.3 and 11.7% respectively. During the enterprise promotion, the identified constraint was Unemployment or Economic situation of the country which calculated a value of 6.5%. Finally during the enterprise growth, the constraint that was identified was the competition with a calculated value of 11.0%. Additionally; there were no statistical significance found in the effects caused between the constraints and its level during the enterprises’ creation, promotion and growth in Belize.
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