International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2469-6501 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijbass
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Call for Papers: VOL: 10, ISSUE: 7, Publication July 31, 2024



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Author(s): Titi KurniaFitriati
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Parenting patterns is very influential on the process of adjusting students in school. In fact there are still students who have difficulty in learning both at school and at home. From the data obtained 25% of students learn if present if there is a repeat course, 27% of students often do not do homework. This shows that the student is having difficulty in learning and there are 10% of students who are from family background that is not harmonious or victim of divorce of their parents. Providing appropriate counseling services is expected to improve the problem.

The aim of research to assess the effectiveness of the application of group counseling in an effort to increase understanding in overcoming learning difficulties based parenting patterns through group counseling approach. Group counseling in this study is one of guidance against individuals in a group to take advantage of the evolving dynamics in the group. Group dynamics here are group lively atmosphere characterized by a dynamic spirit of cooperation to achieve group goals. His research is class student VIII.1 State Students Junior High School 23 Bekasi Province West Java Indonesia, which is the action research method of guidance and counseling to the procedure used to cycle through the stages of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection.

The result of the research showed significant result of applying group guidance approach to increase the students understanding in overcoming the learning difficulties based on parenting patterns experience increased 4.8% after cycle l and experienced an increase of 8% after the implementation of cycle 2. Application of group guidance is very appropriate to be used and requires innovation from mentors.
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